Michelle Bird & Sóley Stefánsdóttir
Artists in residence for the month of September 2022.

Discovering the music in our art. Exploring how we can draw inspiration from the creative process of music bands in our collaborative visual art creation. Looking into how gestures, colors and forms imitate rhythms, harmony and discord. What synergetic highs do bands experience that we visual artists miss out on in our endless solos? Soley and Michelle attempt to create music on materials, artists longing to expand and go beyond.
Michelle Bird is based in Borgarnes where she creates art and imagination experiences from her art studio. She has taught art at the Menntaskóli Borgarfjarðar, kanton schule Zurich and has created inspirational art videos for the Icelandic Children´s art association List Fyrir Alla. Soley Stefansdottir´s practice is based in Reykjavik and is former Art Teacher- Graphic Design at Escola Nacional de Artes Visuais is heilsuhönnuður & heilsumarkþjálfi at Heilsuhönnun.
Both Soley and Michelle have extensive art teaching and making experience globally and are in pursuit of the physical and mental benefits of creating and collaborating.