Styrkleiki – Myndlistarsýning
Verið velkomin á opnun sýningarinnar Styrkleiki í Deiglunni, föstudaginn 15. desember kl. 17. Þar sýnir hin ástralska Amanda Marsh ný olíumálverk unnin á NES vinnustofunum á Skagaströnd.
Sýningin er opin kl. 14 – 17 föstudaginn 15. des. til sunnudagsins 17. des.
New work created at NES Artist Residency, Skagaströnd, Iceland.
Official opening: Friday 15 December at 5pm of new solo show by Amanda Marsh at Deiglan Gallery.
The exhibition is open from 2pm – 5pm Friday 15th to Sunday 17th December.
Styrkleiki is an attempt at recording pre-reflective phenomenal experience of momentary awe, knowing all the while, that such attempts are doomed to failure. No event experienced in real time can be adequately passed on to another who can experience it in the exact same way. In a way, the viewer’s own pre-reflective experience is key to the process. Do I as artist, recognise in their responses, something of my own? How ‘well’ have I failed at generating in others, a response akin to my own? Is there a universality in the ‘me-ness’ of experiences of place and moment?
this year of experiencing successive waves of awe and wonder has I believe, been the key to my own transformation and perception of time slowing down, of ditching my ‘time deficit’. It is born out by research done by academics in psychology and neurophilosophy.
„When do people feel as if they are rich in time? Not often, research and daily experience suggest. However, three experiments showed that participants who felt awe, relative to other emotions, felt they had more time available and were less impatient. Participants who experienced awe also were more willing to volunteer their time to help other people, more strongly preferred experiences over material products, and experienced greater life satisfaction. Mediation analyses revealed that these changes in decision making and well-being were due to awe’s ability to alter the subjective experience of time. Experiences of awe bring people into the present moment, and being in the present moment underlies awe’s capacity to adjust time perception, influence decisions, and make life feel more satisfying than it would otherwise.“
Melanie Rudd, Kathleen D. Vohs & Jennifer Aaker
Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, and Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota
It is my hope that in visiting this exhibition the viewer may, at least temporarily, feel immersed in my attempts at regenerating feelings of awe, and thereby regain time.