Salman Ezzamoury
Salman Ezzamoury er fæddur í Tetouan, Norður Marókkó 1959 en flutti ungur til Hollands. Nám hans í ljósmyndun við College of Applied Photography í Apeldoorn og grafískri tækni í Sivako í Utrecht gáfu honum góðan tæknilegan grunn fyrir verk hans nú til dags. Hann blandar saman málun og ljósmyndun.
Fyrir Salman er mikilvægt að tjá tilfinningar sínar, ofar öllu vill hann sýna upplifun sína á augnabliki, ástandi eða aðstæðum.
Ljósmyndir hans hafa ljóðræna eiginleika og eins og með ljóðið getur það aldrei verið fullkomlega skilið, heldur hefur óljósa, dulúðlega áru.
„My project during my stay in august Akureyri
My mind never stands still… I currently have many ideas…
but one of the ideas that I want to work on is a project “Akureyri through the eyes of a Stranger”, through the eyes of an artist friend with a different cultural background. We living in a vibrant multicultural world.
I like to inspire my thoughts and feelings by the culture, the environment, the buildings, the moving clouds above the city, the smiles and expressions on people faces, the smell of the air, the taste of water… Akureyri and the roughness of the environment. Search for the beauty.
It is always a constant challenge for every artist who embraces earth and people.
I want to participate and keep in touch with local fellow artists.
I also have a plan to make a video report of my fellow artists from Akureyri. I hope they are willing to cooperate with this.“