Familiar Strangers
Verið velkomin á opið hús undir yfirskriftinni “ Familiar Strangers“ í Deiglunni laugardaginn 26. nóvember kl. 14 – 17. Um er að ræða afrakstur vinnustofudvalar gestalistamanns Gilfélagsins, Pamela Swainson.
Swainson fæddist í Manitoba í Kanada og er afkomandi fólks sem yfirgaf Ísland í kringum aldamótin 1900. Hún á stóran frændgarð bæði á Íslandi og vestanhafs og í verkum sínum veltir hún fyrir sér spurningum um þjóðflutninga: Hver eru áhrifin á tengingu við stað, land, menningu og fjölskyldu? Hvað geymist í sálinni og flyst á milli kynslóða? Sjónrænn könnunarleiðangur Swainson um tilfinningar, áföll og uppgötvanir og tengsl við fornar lendur, hefur staðið yfir síðan hún heimsótti Ísland fyrst árið 2006.
Í Deiglunni sýnir hún einnig nokkur málverk þar sem hún er að fást við birtuna og landslag við Akureyri.
Pamela Swainson from Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia, Canada
Familiar Strangers
Human migrations—what is the impact on our attachment to place, land, culture or family? What does our psyche hold through generations? I have spent the month of November gathering experiences and stories, past and present. I have begun my visual narrative of emotions, losses and discoveries of connection.
Some of the work will be on display for the Open Studio November 26 & 27.
As a descendant of peoples who left Iceland around the turn of the last century, this project found me when I made my first trip here in 2006.
I will also have a few paintings I have done exploring the light and scenery of Akureyri.
Pamela Swainson is the Artist in the residency this month.
She was born in Manitoba, Canada. Her family is descended from Icelandic immigrants. At a young age, she moved to eastern Canada to attend the Fine Arts Program at Mount Allison University in New Brunswick.
As with many women, her art practice was shared with a career in health care and family commitments. Since 2007, she has grown her art practice resulting in a number of one person and group shows, private and public commissions. She works in oil, watercolour and drawing mediums.