Thomas Brewer

We are incredibly excited to host our first international artist since you-know-what started – Dr. Thomas Brewer is the artist in residence for July 2021.
This presentation (photos, digital, physical) will reference THEN, my 2016 Gil residency and my ceramic works from 2019. NOW will be new sculptural paper constructed Taflas made during my current residency. Music may also be presented from 2 CDs I’ve produced since 2016.
Thomas Brewer was born in Urbana, IL in 1948, attended public school there, and graduation for Champaign Central High School in 1967. Attended Parkland Community College and received a B.A. in Art Education and Ceramics from Southern Illinois University Carbondale (1973). After graduating he worked as a studio potter for nine years and began teaching art in 1982. He completed an M.A. in Art from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (1985) and then a Ph.D. in Art Education from Florida State University (1989). He taught K-Post Graduate art and art education for 35 years and was the Coordinator of Art Education at UCF from 1996 to December 2015. He served in three similar university positions before coming to Orlando.