Dana Neilson
Dana Neilson is a Canadian artist based in Helsinki, Finland. A photographer by education her practice also includes ceramics, sculpture and video art. The overarching theme is her work is the relationship humans have with their environment and how our physical world influences our interior selves. At the moment her main points of inquiry are what’s natural about human nature? Order vs. disorder (culture vs. nature) and ceramics from scratch. She will graduate this spring from Aalto University Finland with a Master’s of Visual Culture and Contemporary Art. Her work has been exhibited in Canada and Finland and she has upcoming exhibitions abroad.
While Artist in Residence at GIL she plans on continuing research on the use of raw materials in ceramic glazes, pushing the possibilities of everyday materials that are found on the street, beach or wayside. The final outcome will be ceramic portraits of Akureyri and surrounding areas using rocks and other found objects.
The product of Dana’s residency will be exhibited in Deiglan on the 23rd & 24th of June at hr. 2 – 5pm.