Category: Uncategorized

Hyojung Bea

Artists in residence for the month of March 2023 Hyojung Bea explores fear, identity, and the anxiety-provoking instability of groundlessness due to her constant moving without a permanent home. Being active both in New York City and Jeju...

Mary Hurrell

Artists in residence for the month of December 2022 Mary Hurrell (b. South Africa) is an artist based in London. In her work sound production, live performance and sculpture perform similar functions; to explore movement and the body...

Tetsuya Hori

Artists in residence for the month of November 2022 Tetsuya Hori is a Berlin-based composer from Sapporo/Japan. His works include instrumental, vocal, electronic, ensemble, chamber and orchestral music. He compose commissioned works for various performing musicians, chamber and...

Boreal Screendance Festival

In Deiglan Friday 11 – Thursday 17 of November. Boreal is an international video dance festival that had its first edition in November 2020 in Mjólkurbúðin Gallery, Akureyri. Various screendance pieces were projected by a variety of artists from...

Sóley & Michelle – Myndspuna dúett

Gestalistamenn september mánaðar sýna í Deiglunni. Michelle Bird og Sóley Sefánsdóttir bjóða á opnun sýningar sinnar í Deiglunni, sal Gilfélagsins, Listagilinu á Akureyri, laugardaginn 24. september kl. 14.00 til 19:00. Vertu velkomin. Sóley og Michelle – Myndspuna dúett.  Tónlistin...

Trönurnar sýna í Deiglunni

Sýningin opnar laugardaginn 10. september kl 13.00 Trönurnar er hópur kvenna sem stundaði nám saman í Listasmiðjunni Fræðsla í formi og lit veturinn 2016-2017 undir leiðsögn Bryndísar Arnardóttur og Guðmundar Ármanns Sigurjónssonar. Þess utan hafa þær sótt ýmiss...