Sept 25th – sept 26th hr. 14 – 17
Deiglan, Kaupvangsstræti 23, Akureyri.
Ebba Stålhandske, fibre artist
Gudrun Westerlund, painter
from Uppsala, Sweden
They work with different materials. Ebba is a fibre artist. Gudrun is a painter. This means
also that there is a difference in their way of working, to be exact, a difference in the time it
takes. Hence the title SLOW QUICK QUICK SLOW.
Ebba works mostly with embroidery, which often means a lot of small stitches.
She works with different techniques such as dying materials in different ways, appliqué
and finally embroidery. The stitches make the final image.
Gudrun, here in Akureyri, has been working with ink on mulberry paper, in big sweeps
over the paper and also with watercolours.
Otherwise she works with egg and oil tempera on canvas which is not so quick.
Being here together has given them opportunity to try some joint work.
They have used pieces of tarlatan, a semitransparent and stiff fabric. They started on one
little square each, Ebba with embroidery and Gudrun with painting. Then they switched
and continued on the other person’s work. No theme, just improvising. Just a lot of fun.
But it’s not only a game. It is also an exciting and challenging experience. You have to
adjust to somebody else’s idea, and continue and complete a picture that is already half
We also have become more familiar with the two techniques, their different potentials and
how they can connect to each other to make an art work for which both are responsible.
Artist’s statement: Gudrun
I have a deep interest in nature and landscapes. It’s present in my art, grounded in my
upbringing in northern Sweden, with a closeness to water, mountains and forests.
I usually mix abstractions with more figurative and narrative expressions.
Last year I spent two months in Iceland, first at Skriðuklauster and then at the Skaftfell
residency in Seyðisfjörður. It was during winter and early spring, so everything was mostly
in black and white. I enjoy September, the colours I see now are quite different. I’m very
much inspired by the variety of the Icelandic landscape. It’s sometimes so surreal both in
colour and form.
I continue my work from last year, experimenting with ink and more traditional work with
I have exhibited in many places in Sweden and abroad.
Artist’s statement: Ebba
I am living in the countryside outside Uppsala. Much of my work is inspired from my
surroundings with fields and forests, and how we humans interfere and try to rule over
nature. I often try to catch details of what I see, such as moss and lichen.
I have visited Iceland several times but never for a hole month. Staying in Akureyri this
long gives me an opportunity to really observe this overwhelming landscape with the huge
mountains and the wide fjords.
I have focused on two themes: the mountains, and impressions from walks in the harbour.
In my work I use different materials in threads and tissues, often on a linen background.
In Uppsala I am an active member of the artist’s club. I have had several exhibitions in
Sweden and abroad. Earlier this year I showed ”Under the apple tree” with objects,
embroidery pieces and a work in progress.
For more information look at our CVs and website
and Instagram ebba.stalhandske
Thanks to Gilfélagið, the Gil Society, for welcoming us as Artists in Residence, for the
month of September 2021.
We are grateful for the support from:
Uppsala Municipality
Svensk-isländska samarbetsfonden
Letterstedtska föreningen
Deiglan, laugardag 25. september – sunnudags 26. september kl. 14 – 17
Gestalistamenn Gilfélagsins þær Ebba Stålhandske og Gudrun Westerlund opna sýninguna SLOW QUICK QUICK SLOW á laugardaginn í Deiglunni á Akureyri.
Titillinn er vísun í mismunandi efnistök listamannanna og þann tíma sem hvert verk tekur en Ebba er textíllistamaður og vinnur með útsaum, applique og efnalitun og Gudrun er málari sem hefur notað vatnsliti og blek á pappír hér á vinnustofunni. Þær hafa einnig unnið verk saman, þar sem þær vinna til skiptis á tartalan.